Bogor Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of the management units in West Java and Banten Regional Division. Its area is 49,337.06 Ha, covering forest areas in Bogor Regency and Bekasi Regency. Based on the evaluation of forest resource potential in 2014, the forest area of ​​KPH Bogor is a Production Forest covering an area of ​​43,494.74 Ha (88.16%), and 5,842.32 Ha (11.84%) is Protected Forest Area.

Geographically (based on latitude and longitude), the KPH Bogor area is located at 106 degrees 54’04” to 107 degrees 00’34” east longitude and 06 degrees 37’29” to 06 degrees 37’54” south latitude.

The forest area of ​​the KPH Bogor is located in the administrative regions of Bogor, Bekasi and Tangerang Regencies, with geographical boundaries as follows:

  1. North: Java Sea and DKI Jakarta
  2. East: KPH Purwakarta and Cianjur
  3. South: KPH Sukabumi and Banten
  4. West: KPH Banten

Based on the forest area’s topography in KPH Bogor, in general, the field configuration is spread from sloping to wavy plains, with the topographic distribution as follows:

  •   Part of the Parungpanjang forest, in the configuration of the field, is mostly relatively flat to sloping, with the area’s slope varying from flat (0-8%) to a fairly steep incline (15-25%).
  •   The part of the Nanggung forest is hilly and undulating, with the field’s slope varying from a gentle slope (8-15%) to very steep (>45%).
  •   The forest section of Mount Bolang is hilly and undulating, with the area’s slope varying from a gentle slope (8-15%) to very steep (>45%).
  •   The Megamendung forest area is hilly, with a gentle slope (8-15%) to very steep (>45%) and undulating with a field slope varying from a gentle slope (8-15%) to very steep (> 45%).
  •   The Cariu forest area is hilly, with a gentle slope (8-15%) to very steep (>45%) and undulating with a field slope varying from a gentle slope (8-15%) to very steep (> 45%).
  •   The Jonggol forest section (not set yet) is in the form of a hilly field, with a gentle slope (8-15%) to very steep (>45%) and wavy with a field slope varying from a gentle slope (8-15%) to very steep (>45%).
  •   Ujungkrawang forest area (not set yet) is a relatively flat field configuration.

The area of ​​Perum Perhutani KPH Bogor and its surroundings has a tropical climate, marked by a clear shift between the rainy and dry seasons, with the highest temperature being 26 C and the lowest temperature being 18 C. And has an average annual rainfall of 3,000 mm/year (type A) or an average monthly rainfall of 100 mm/month.

The topography of the KPH Bogor forest area is relatively flat to sloping, hilly and undulating.

Rainfall in the forest area for Acacia Mangium is 3,000 mm/year, Meranti 4,000 mm/year, and Pinus 3,500 – 4,500 mm.

Forest areas management in KPH Bogor is carried out by 5 BKPH and 16 RPH. (See Peta KPH)

  1. BKPH Bogor, area 9,257.22 Ha, consists of 3 RPH : Cipayung, Babakan Madang, Cipamingkis
  2. BKPH Jonggol Area of ​​14,333.36 Ha, consisting of 3 RPH: Cariu, Tinggarjaya, Gunung Karang
  3. BKPH Jasinga_leuwiliang Area 8,725.82 Ha, consisting of 4 RPH : Gobang, Leuwiliang, Cigudeg, Cirangsad
  4. BKPH Parungpanjang Area 5,365.24 Ha, consisting of 3 RPH : Tenjo, Maribaya, Jagabaya
  5. BKPH Ujung Karwang Area 11,655.42 Ha, consisting of 3 RPH : Muara Gembong, Singkil, Pondok Tengah

Each RPH has field implementers for planting activities, maintenance, thinning, security, extension/social assistants, environmental assistants, and logging (BKPH). There are 263 employees of KPH Bogor.

Public Summary Tahun 2020

Kelola Produksi

Kelola Lingkungan

Kelola Sosial

Konsultasi Publik

Dokumen Hasil Konsultasi Publik :

1. Dokumen Hasil Konsultasi Publik Controlled Wood Tahun 2013

2. Dokumen Hasil Konsultasi Publik Kawasan Bernilai Konservasi Tinggi (KBKT) / HCVF  Tahun 2013

3.  Dokumen Tanggapan Konsultasi Publik Controlled Wood- Tahun 2016

Administratur Name  :  Ade Sugiharto

Perum Perhutani KPH Bogor
Divisi Regional Jawa Barat & Banten
Jl. KSR Dadi Kusmayadi/Desa Tengah Komp Perkantoran Pemda Cibinong- Kabupaten Bogor

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