Cianjur Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of the management units under the West Java and Banten Regional Division.

The working area of KPH Cianjur is 70,064.40 Ha, covering an area of ​​69,139.40 Ha in Cianjur Regency, 777.17 Ha in Sukabumi Regency and 150.83 Ha in Purwakarta Regency, which are divided into two (2) Company Classes (KP). KP Jati (Teak) covers an area of ​​23,486.96 Ha, KP Pinus (Pine) covers an area of ​​46,577.44 Ha, and Limited Production Forest (HPT) <15 % covers an area of ​​16,382.20 Ha, HPT > 15% covering an area of ​​4,916.76 Ha, Production Forest (HP) covering an area of 24,506, 17 Ha and Protected Forest (HL) covering an area of ​​24,259.76 Ha.

Based on BATB (Official Report on Land Boundary) in 1921-1927, KPH Cianjur is divided into the Agrabinta Forest Section (BH) of 5,337.67 Ha, Cisokan BH with an area of ​​8,149.29 Ha, Cugenang BH with an area of​​8,733.28 Ha, Citiis BH with an area of ​​13,272.70 Ha, Caringin BH covering an area of ​​5,941.07 Ha, Cisadea BH covering an area of ​​18,630.39 Ha.  (See:  Peta KPH).

The topography of KPH Cianjur’s forest area consists of a flat area of ​​3,906.04 Ha, a mildly sloping area of ​​17,132.52 Ha, a slightly steep area of ​​33,426.20 Ha, a steep area of ​​13,755.20 Ha, very steep area of ​​1,844.44 Ha and the climate type of KPH Cianjur is type C with rainfall ranging from 1,326.3 mm per year.

KPH Cianjur is geographically located between 1060 – 25′ east longitude and 60 – 36′ south latitude to 70 – 26′ south latitude, bordering with:

  •   North: ​​KPH Bogor and KPH Purwakarta working area
  •   East: Southern Bandung KPH working area and Mt Simpang Nature Reserve
  •   South: Indian Ocean
  •   West: KPH Sukabumi working area and Mt Gede Pangrango National Park.

KPH Cianjur’s forest area management is divided into 8 Forest Management Units (BKPH): BKPH Cianjur, BKPH Ciranjang Selatan, BKPH Ciranjang Utara, BKPH Sukanagara Utara, BKPH Sukanagara South, BKPH Tanggeung, BKPH Sindang Barang, BKPH Cibarengkok with 30 Forest Management Resorts (RPH).

There are 348 employees in total.


HCVF dan Konsultasi Publik


Administratur Name  : Ahmad Rusliadi

Perum Perhutani KPH Cianjur
Divisi Regional Jawa Barat & Banten
Jl. Dr. Muwardi Nomor 120 B, Muka, Kecamatan Cianjur, Kabupaten Cianjur

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