In forest management, KPH Bojonegoro consists of a Production Forest covering an area of 49.122,71 ha and a Protected Forest covering an area of 1.054,03 ha, with a total area of 50.716,74 ha, divided into 6 (six) Forest Sections (BH), i.e. BH CLANGAP, area of 3,475.1 Ha; BH DELING area of 8,887.1 Ha; BH DANDER, area of 6.181.7 Ha; BH NGOROGUNUNG, area 7,427.0 Ha; BH CERME, area of 8,459.7 Ha; BH TEMAYANG, area of 15,713.4 Ha.

Based on the working area, Perum Perhutani KPH Bojonegoro is bordered in the north by Perum Perhutani KPH Parengan, in the east by KPH Mojokerto and Jombang, in the south by KPH Nganjuk and KPH Saradan and in the west by KPH Padangan.
Meanwhile, based on the Government Administration of Bojonegoro Regency, it is bordered by Tuban Regency in the north, to the east by Lamongan Regency, to the south by Jombang and Madiun Regencies and the west by Ngawi Regency and Blora Regency. (see:  Peta KPH)



1. Clangap consists of 2 BKPH = Clangap, Nglambangan (RPH Ringinanom)
2. Deling consists of 3 BKPH = Bubulan, Nglambangan, Deling
3. Dander consists of 2 BKPH = Tengger, Pradok
4. Ngorogunung consists of 2 BKPH = Dander, Clebung
5. Cerme consists of 2 BKPH = Bareng, Tondomulo
6. Temayang consists of 3 BKPH = Tretes, Temayang, Gondang

ASPER/KBKPH consists of 13 BKPH with 50 RPH :
1. Sub West Bojonegoro
Clangap ( 4 RPH ) = Prajegan, Gledegan, Sawitrejo, Sendang Gerong
Bubulan ( 3 RPH ) = Pragelan Utara, Sambirejo, Tlotok
Nglambangan ( 4 RPH ) = Semek, Nglambangan, Kalimas, Ringinanom
Deling (3 RPH) = Deling, Klino, Pragelan Selatan.

2. Sub Central Bojonegoro
Tengger ( 4 RPH ) = Wadang, Putuk, Kebonagung, Soko.
Pradok ( 3 RPH ) = Grogolan, Suruhan, Pradok
Dander ( 4 RPH ) = Ngunut,Dander,Sumberarum, Sampang
Clebung (4 RPH) = Jeblogan, Ngorogunung, Clebung, Cancung

3. Sub East Bojonegoro
Bareng ( 4 RPH ) = Alasgung, Sekidang, Bareng, Babat
Tondomulo ( 4 RPH ) = Banaran, Malangbong, Bunten, Mundu
Tretes ( 4 RPH ) = Maor, Bakulan, Tretes, Sugihan
Temayang ( 5 RPH ) = Sekonang, Kalimati, Temayng, Madungan, Brabuhan
Gondang ( 4 RPH ) = Gondang, Sukun, Dodol, Soko


Pengelolaan Produksi

Pengelolaan Lingkungan

Pengelolaan Sosial


Administratur Name : Slamet Juwanto

Perum Perhutani KPH Bojonegoro
Divisi Regional Jawa Timur
Jl. Imam Bonjol No 4  Bojonegoro
Telp: 0353 881381 / 881041
Fax: 0353 882209

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