Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) Lawu Ds is one of the management units in the East Java Regional Division. Its working area is​​ 52.705,41 Ha, of which 3,026.52 Ha is a Forest Area with Special Purposes (KHDTK), which Forestry Research and Development have managed since 2003 according to the Decree of the Minister of Forestry No. 290/Kpts-II/2003 dated August 26, 2003.

Geographically, Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) Lawu Ds is located at 7o30’00”  – 8o10’00” south latitude and 110o58’27” – 111o48’27’ east longitude. Following the RPKH for the years 20014 – 2023 and 20015 – 2024, KPH Lawu Ds’ forest management work area is divided into 2 (two) Forest Management Sub Units (SKPH), i.e. SKPH Lereng Lawu Wilis and SKPH Ponorogo-Pacitan.

KPH Lawu Ds consists of 9 (nine) Forest Management Units (BKPH) and 30 Forest Management Resorts (RPH), with the following details:

  1. BKPH North Lawu has an area of ​​5,277.10 Ha covering the area of ​​RPH Manyul, RPH Ngetrep, RPH Banjaran, RPH Salam, and RPH Campurejo,
  2. BKPH South Lawu has an area of ​​5,797.00 Ha covering the area of ​​RPH Sarangan, RPH Bedagung, RPH Ngancar and RPH Genilangit,
  3. BKPH North Wilis has an area of ​​4,249.80 Ha covering the area of ​​RPH Karee, RPH Gligi, and RPH Nglengko,
  4. BKPH West Wilis has an area of ​​2,887.4.00 Ha covering the area of ​​RPH Ngebel, RPH Toyomarto and RPH Wayang,
  5. BKPH South Wilis has an area of ​​9,040.30 Ha covering the area of ​​RPH Mendak, RPH Pudak and RPH Soko,
  6. BKPH East Ponorogo has an area of ​​9,248.50 Ha covering the area of ​​RPH Bungkal, RPH Sawo and RPH Cepoko,
  7. BKPH South Ponorogo has an area of ​​7,161.00 Ha covering the area of ​​RPH Slahung, RPH Mrayan and RPH Ngrayun,
  8. BKPH West Ponorogo has an area of ​​6,339.30 Ha covering the area of ​​RPH Guyangan, RPH Krebet, RPH Karangpatihan and RPH Watubonang,
  9. BKPH Pacitan has an area of ​​1,999.60 Ha covering the area of​​RPH Pacitan and RPH Nawangan

(See: Peta KPH)

The Forest Area of KPH Lawu Ds is divided into 4 Forest Sections (BH), i.e. BH Gunung Lawu, Gunung Wilis, Pacitan and Ponorogo, all of which are Pine/Sap Company Class (KP).

Based on Forest Sustainability Management Plan (RPKH) 2014 to 2023, BH Lawu, Ponorogo, and Wilis are included in KP Pine/Sap and based on RPKH 2015 to 2024, BH Pacitan is also in KP Pine/sap.

Company class and soil type consist of:

  • BH Mount Lawu: KP Pine, soil type: brown and red black Latosol
  • BH Mount Wilis: KP Pine, soil type: brown and grey black Latosol
  • BH Ponorogo: KP Pine, soil type: brown and grey black Latosol
  • BH Pacitan: KP Pine, soil type : grey Latosol

The total number of employees of KPH Lawu Ds is 262 people.


Public Summary 2020

Kelola Produksi

Kelola Lingkungan

Kelola Sosial

Komitmen Penerapan Controlled Wood FSC (Lihat)

Konsultasi Publik :

  1. Konsultasi Publik Controlled Wood FSC KPH Lawu Ds. (Lihat)
  2. Konsultasi Publik Kawasan Bernilai Konservasi Tinggi (KBKT) / HCVF KPH Lawu Ds. (Lihat)


Dokumen Konsultasi Publik  :

Dokumen Konsultasi Publik Controlled Wood FSC dan  Kawasan Bernilai Konservasi Tinggi (KBKT) / HCVF KPH Lawu Ds- Tahun 2016


Administratur Name : Adi Nugroho

Perum Perhutani KPH Lawu Ds
Divisi Regional Jawa Timur
Jl. Rimba Mulya No 5 Madiun
Telp: 0351 462463 / 462013
Fax: 0351 462463

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