The Forest Management Unit (KPH) Mojokerto is one of the management work units in the East Java Regional Division. Its 31.890,54 Ha hectares cover forest areas in Mojokerto, Lamongan, and Jombang regencies. Based on the evaluation of the potential of forest resources in 2014, the KPH Mojokerto forest area includes a Production Forest covering an area of ​​31.635,26 Ha (91.4%), a Protected Forest of 255,28 Ha (0.8%) and a Protection Area of 2,500.1 Ha (7,8%).

Based on BATB (Official Report on Land Boundary) in 1927-1928, KPH Mojokerto is a production forest based on topography consisting of 29.2% of Flat Land, Sloping (68.7%), Slightly Steep (0.5%), and 1.6% of others. Geographically, KPH Mojokerto is located at 5018– 5040 east longitude and 7010– 7026 south latitude. Based on the type of soil, the condition consists of Margalite and Mediterranean varieties. The climate in the KPH Mojokerto area is type C, with 996 – 2,393 mm of rainfall per year.

KPH Mojokerto forest area has five Forest Sections (BH) with Company Classes (KP) of Teak and Eucalyptus and 2 (two) types of soil.

Soil types in each Forest Section

Forest area management in KPH Mojokerto is divided into 8 BKPH and 30 RPH. Each RPH has field implementers for plant activities, maintenance, thinning, security, extension/social assistants, environmental assistants, and logging. Meanwhile, there are 214 employees of KPH Mojokerto.

The eight BKPHs are BKPH Bluluk, BKPH Ngimbang, BKPH Dradah, BKPH Lawangan Agung, BKPH Mantup, BKPH Kambangan, BKPH Tapen and BKPH Kemlagi.

  1.   BKPH Bluluk is 3,358.7 Ha, covering the working areas of RPH Bluluk, RPH Majenon, and RPH Sukorame.
  2.   BKPH Ngimbang is 4,354.8 Ha, covering the working area of ​​RPH Ngimbang, RPH Blawi, RPH Sidodadi and RPH Pataan.
  3.   BKPH Dradah is 3,564.1 Ha, covering the working areas of RPH Dradah, RPH Sedah and RPH Tenggerejo.
  4.   BKPH Lawangan Agung is 3,488.3 Ha, covering the working areas of RPH Wonokoyo, RPH Sukobendu and RPH Gondanglor.
  5.   BKPH Mantup is 5,081.7 Ha, covering the working areas of RPH Mantup, RPH Babatan, RPH Kasah and RPH Kedungwangi.
  6.   BKPH Kambangan is 4,000,8 Ha, covering the working areas of RPH Grenjengan, RPH Ngegreng, RPH Garung and RPH Banyuasin.
  7.   BKPH Tapen is 3,970,3 Ha, covering the working areas of RPH Made, RPH Katemas, RPH Sempal and RPH Peleman.
  8.   BKPH Kemlagi is 4,062.9 Ha, covering the working areas of RPH Kemlagi, RPH Simo, RPH Kupang, RPH Selogendogo and RPH Kemuning.

In addition, KPH Mojokerto also covers a groove area of ​​41.0 Ha. (see: Peta Wilayah Kerja)


Kelola Produksi

Kelola Lingkungan

Kelola Sosial


Dokumen Controlled Wood KPH Mojokerto 2018


Administratur Name : Rusydi

Perum Perhutani KPH Mojokerto
Divisi Regional Jawa Timur
Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No 31 Mojokerto
Telp : 0321 322688 – 322689
Fax  : 0321 321272

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