Kantor KPH


Kuningan Perum Perhutani Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of 14 Forest Management Units under the West Java and Banten Regional Division, with a 29,684.35 Ha management area.

KPH Kuningan is administratively divided into 2 (two) parts: 25,644.38 Ha in the administrative area of ​​Kuningan Regency and 4,039.97 Ha in Cirebon Regency.

Geographically, KPH Kuningan’s working area coordinates are 06o 51′ – 7o South Latitude and 108o-96o East Longitude; with the northern boundary Cirebon Regency area, Eastern is KPH Balapulang, Southern is KPH Ciamis, Western is KPH Majalengka.

KPH Kuningan used to be called KPH Ciledug; in 1968, it was changed to KPH Kuningan. From 1982-1984 the KPH Kuningan area was reorganized, where the management was divided into 6 (six) Forest Management Units Sections (BKPH): BKPH Ciledug, BKPH Waled, BKPH Luragung, BKPH Cibingbin, BKPH Garawangi and BKPH Linggarjati.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Forestry No. 424/Menhut-II/2004 concerning Changes in the Function of Protected Forest Areas in the Mount Ciremai Forest Group covering an area of ​​± 15,500 Ha located in Kuningan and Majalengka Regencies and based on BAST (Records of Transfer) No. 05/SJ/DIR/2009 and No. BA.4/IV-SET/2009 concerning Management of Protected Forest Areas Converted to Conservation Areas in Mount Ciremai National Park.

Furthermore, the management of the forest area at BKPH Linggarjati (Mount Ciremai Forest Group), covering an area of ​​8,638.30 Ha, is the responsibility of the Gunung Ciremai National Park Office (BTNGC).

Based on the potential distribution of forest resources, the KPH Kuningan forest area management is divided into:

  1. Teak Company Class (KP Jati): there are 4 (four) Forest Management Units (BKPH) and 17 (seventeen) Forest Management Resorts (RPH).
  2. Pine Company Class (KP Pinus): there are 2 (two) Forest Management Units (BKPH) and 8 (eight) Forest Management Resorts (RPH) (note. 2 RPH in BKPH Luragung).

KPH Kuningan management area is ± 29,684.35 Ha, consisting of 15,313.61 Ha KP Jati and 14,370.74 Ha KP Pinus, which is divided into 5 (five) BKPH with the following details:

  1. BKPH Ciledug covers an area of ​​5,931.54 ha consisting of 6 RPH (RPH Tonjong, RPH Bantarpanjang, RPH Dukuhbadag, RPH Margamukti, RPH Cikeusal, RPH Gunungsari)
  2. BKPH Waled covers an area of ​​3,304.03 Ha consisting of 4 RPH ( RPH Sumurkondang, RPH CiBreath, RPH Ambit, RPH Cipancur
  3. BKPH Cibingbin covers an area of ​​4,738.68 Ha consisting of 5 RPH (RPH Cileuya, RPH Cibeureum, RPH Cimara, RPH Ciangir, RPH Cipondok
  4. BKPH Luragung covers an area of ​​7,941.42 Ha consisting of 6 RPH (RPH Ciwaru, RPH Karangkancana, RPH Sukasari, RPH Segong, RPH Sumberjaya, RPH Legokherang)
  5. BKPH Garawangi covers an area of ​​7,768.68 ha consisting of 6 RPH ( RPH Haurkuning, RPH Cipakem, RPH Lebakwangi, RPH Pakembangan, RPH Ciniru, RPH Subang.

(See:  Peta KPH)


Kelola Produksi

Production Management

Kelola Lingkungan

Environmental Management

Kelola Sosial

Social Management

Publik Summary dan Konsultasi Publik

Public Summary and Consultation


Administratur Name : Teguh Waluyo

Perum Perhutani KPH Kuningan
Divisi Regional Jawa Barat & Banten
Jl. Siliwangi No. 222 Kuningan 45512


Email : kph.kuningan@perhutani.co.id